5 Easy Ways to Make 1000 Dollars in a Week

Going through a tough week? Don’t worry, we’re here to help you make 1000 dollars in a week to pay off your rent, repair your car, pay your credit card bill, or simply have a good time. Let’s dive in!

Exploit the gig economy. 

Recent advances in technology and the COVID-19 pandemic has made the gig economy very popular. There are a plethora of freelancing websites out there and each has its own benefits. You should try one that’s credible — like Upwork or Fiverr — and sell any skill that you’re good at.

Particularly profitable skills include copywriting, graphic designing, web designing, and app and software development. If you’re good at one of these, a 1000 dollars a week won’t be a problem once your freelancing career gets going. 

But don’t worry if you don’t have a skill — many companies simply need someone to manage their daily, basic tasks over the internet and if you have basic knowledge of computers, you can easily become a virtual personal assistant.

Sell data to companies. 

Many companies need customers’ data while conducting market research. Websites like SwagBucks allow you to take surveys that help companies collect data to make better products and these surveys are followed by cash rewards.

Not using your car? Rent it out.

An unused car is a waste of space. If you think you won’t be needing your car in the upcoming days — or if you have an extra car — consider renting it out. There are many apps and services that allow you to easily rent your car out without too much hassle.

One example of such an app is Getaround, which handles the logistics and scheduling of car renting for you, so checking it out might be a good idea.

Sell clutter. 

All of us have more stuff than we need. And what’s clutter to us might be useful to other people, which is why you can sell almost anything on the internet. Items that you might sell include old textbooks, musical instruments, gadgets that you don’t use anymore, earphones, and computers/TVs.

There are many platforms for selling items such as Kijiji, eBay, and Amazon. And if you don’t live under a rock, you must’ve heard about Craigslist — it’s time to use it.

Show off those beautiful hands! 

You might not have the looks or the confidence to be a fashion model but you can still try body part modelling, which is on the rise as consumerism grows and ecommerce stores boom.

Companies selling items like watches, shoes, socks, pantyhose, and hand creams require body part models to market their products and give customers an idea of how a product would look in real life. 

The good thing about body part modelling is that it can progress from a mere side hustle to a full-time career if you’ve got what companies are looking for. Of course, there are many scams that you might encounter along the way, so make sure you choose a credible agency after adequate research!